Custom bikeframes
Quality custom painting
All our models can be 100% custom painted.
You can either use the Elves factory colors and designs or choose your own. Making the designs more simple and straightforward is also possible.
The construction plus shipping time will vary from 40 days up to a maximum of 60 days. In less than 2 months it will be at your place.

Mock ups, colors, ideas...
Year after year of collaboration in Elves Bikes Spain we have gather experience helping our clients choosing their dream bike build. Let us guide you through.
Being in direct contact with the Elves designing team, we will send you mock ups of your custom frame, and only after the definitive model is accepted, payment will be required to start its construction. When finished we will send you a pic right as it comes out of out of the painting oven, prior to shipping.

Extra custom features
We add the name of our store, OIBIK, on one side of the fork in all the frames we have in stock. But you can add instad the name of your own workshop or cycling team, if desired.
You can also add your personal name and choose where in the bike you want it to be. A variety of fonts will be send to you to select from.